Tuesday, February 05, 2008


...Is a vote for scary fast-food crap you treasured as a child, which now disturbs your moral center and waistline, but for the totally-ironic thrill of it you now have a chance to re-own for just -- $10.99. Eleven bucks?! Screw you, Salvation Army! I vote to leave you here, Ronald.

Oh, but wait, I'd vote for Mayor McCheese. He's fiscally conservative and strong on defense. But I think Captain Crook has the evangelical vote sewed up.

No, neither thrift stores nor the McDonaldland gang are on the ballot. This post is just because it's already February 5th, I haven't posted anything crude or warped since mid-January, and something about Ronald's pose and look (like he wants to caucus you, heh-heh) just screams let the American political circus begin!

Be back soon, gotta fish $11 from under the seat of my Altima.


Anonymous said...

McCheese has my vote! Kudos to you for leaving a vote-themed post... I promise to do one NEXT Tuesday when I vote.

Monica said...

I had some of those when I was little but the price is WAY too high!!!!! I vote mayor McCheese!!!

The Fiji Mermaid said...

I LOVE Mayor McCheese! Oh my, I forgot about the Captain, oh my god. What was he the spokesman for, Filet-O Fish?


I love your blog!!